When you can’t have what you want, ask Allah for Paradise, for it is there you will be able to have everything you want. :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kau, kawan, sahabat & teman~

Ketika mula bertemu,
terasa bagai telah lama bersua..
Kau sambut hulur tanganku, 
bertegur sapa penuh mesra,

Masa terus berlalu.,
dan kita tetap seiringan berjalan..
Menempuh onak liku,
Lalui semua suka & duka bersama..
Biarlah apa pun rahsia,
dan kelemahanmu, 
tetap engkau temanku..

Riangnya saat kita ketawa,
asyik senda & bercerita..
Walau sesekali pandangan kita berbeza,
angannya tetap serupa..
Adakalanya kita juga saling terluka,
namun di akhirnya kita bersama..
Dan kini dipisahkan,
dua benua saling mengajar cita,
Tak pernah ku lupakan detik yang indah bersamamu, 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

#12 Zulhijjah 1434H#

Be like the sun, 
burning with fires to give light to us. 
Be like the moon, 
barren but shining the night sky for us~
 (Man of Steel, 2013)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bahagia datang dari Allah~

bahagia itu,
bukan wujud pada berapa mahalnya sesuatu barang..
Tetapi terletak pada perkara yg biasa,
terikat di dalam kasih & cinta-Nya~


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hidup macam langit~

Hidup tidak selalunya indah,
langit tak selalu cerah..

Listen carefully~

Friday, October 4, 2013


Misyuada, please learn how to say, "NO!"
Sometimes a request is simply too large for you to take on.
Choose to say this 3 sentences:
Not right now, 
Not this way, 
No thank you.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Expect the WORST

CHANCE favors only the PREPARED mind~

In the field of observation, the researcher whose mind is unprepared often simply sees UNEXPECTED results as FAILED experiments and throws them away. The researcher whose mind is prepared sees an opportunity for what might be a whole new field of research and discovery.

In life,
don't see things as failure,
Allah'll give the best for those who did the best,
have faith in Allah..
He knows the best,
although we think it's the WORST..