When you can’t have what you want, ask Allah for Paradise, for it is there you will be able to have everything you want. :)

Monday, September 16, 2013


Tazkirah Subuh_17 Sept 2013~ Topic: DU'A

Hello brother, Allah may delay answering your prayer for a number of reasons;

1) One is to test your trust in Him..
2) Another reason is that Allah knows when it is best to answer.
3) Allah also may delay the answer to make us work harder so we are prepared for it.

There is a beautiful hadith Qudsi which states that Allah sometimes delays the answer because He loves hearing the sound of His servant. Imagine that when the answer is delayed, Allah loves to hear YOUR voice again as you call Him. Wow!

Brother, Allah does not place a burden on us greater than we can bear..
If the answer to your du'a has been delayed, it’s because Allah KNOWS you can handle it..
He tests those whom He loves, so keep asking and remember that Allah makes with hardship ease..
And remember, as with tawakkul, we need to exert effort as well..